This is where I'm just gonna dump a bunch of resources related to Technical Art. It's mistly just for me, but if you're into it, give it a go, I guess?
Learn C++: VERY good introduction to C++. Totally accessible to even an absolute beginner, and covers most essential topics
FreeCodeCamp: Some pretty cool beginner courses on web development. Maybe not directly related to tech art, but certainly useful.
UnityLearn: Best way to learn Unity, from the source.
Ben Cloward's Youtube Channel: Fantastic tutorial videos covering a ton of shaders and how they work.
How to Start Learning Technical Art: Excellent blod post with concrete steps to creating the portfolio of your dreams.
renderBucket's Intro to HLSL: Great for artists looking to get into coding their own shaders. Covers multiple ways to solve vartious issues and gives you fundemental skills that you can easily expand on